Ledger® Live* Wallet |

Ledger Live Desktop serves as a powerful companion for Ledger hardware wallets, offering a user-friendly interface to manage your digital assets. From Bitcoin to Ethereum …

Ledger Live is the official desktop application developed by Ledger to manage cryptocurrencies secured by Ledger hardware wallets like the Nano X and Nano S Plus. It provides users a secure and user-friendly way to store, send, receive, and monitor their digital assets.Some of the key features of Ledger Live desktop include:

  1. Secure Storage: Ledger Live integrates with Ledger hardware wallets to keep users' private keys secure and offline, protecting against hacking and theft.

  2. Multi-Currency Support: The application supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many others.

  3. Real-Time Balance Tracking: Ledger Live allows users to view the real-time balance of their cryptocurrency holdings without exposing their private keys.

  4. Send and Receive Transactions: Users can easily send and receive cryptocurrencies directly through the Ledger Live interface.

  5. Advanced Features: The desktop app offers advanced features like coin control, Taproot support, and OP_RETURN usage for experienced users.

  6. Trezor Bridge Integration: Ledger Live integrates with the Trezor Bridge application to facilitate secure communication between the hardware wallet and the web browser.

  7. Regular Updates: Ledger Live is regularly updated by the development team, adding new features, improving performance, and expanding cryptocurrency support.

To download Ledger Live for desktop, users should visit the official Ledger website at ledger.com and navigate to the Ledger Live download page. This ensures they are getting the authentic application directly from the manufacturer.

Last updated